- Bright Eyes,
' Method Acting'
Its been ages since I've posted. So long in fact that Blogger has undergone a facelift and I barely figured out how to create a new post - there seem to be many more options of gizmos and gadgets from when I last updated.
Well, what's been happening? Heaps but noting worth mentioning I suppose? Or more that it was not fit for publication? Really I think it was just so much going on that I just couldn't be asked so lets see if I can work my way backward through the last weeks and pull out the notable moments.
EASTER (will get it's own post)
April 12th- Hello Sailor Vintage Market in St.Kilda with k&j where I tried on this lovely number:
April 14th- Pints of Guinness at Pugg Mahones with f, unfortunately they didn't show the footy match I'd hoped to watch. pout. Go SAINTS!
April 19th- Got a hair cut @ Biba in Camberwell and then met up with e for some drinks, goss and then saw
This Must Be The Place at the Nova. The movie was good and I thought it was a very different role for Sean Penn. I also really liked how Frances McDormand and he worked together. It was not a sad movie, but not an entirely uplifting film - but really anything that includes the Holocaust in the plot can't be all that light hearted.
April 20th- M's 25th at the Carlton in the CBD, press ganged f into joining, also saw the girls a bit before hand.
April 21st- A morning coffee and a chat, a retail therapy session with f on Brunswick Street and then Girls Night at ours filled with bunnies, de-lish nosh and some great chick flicks.
April 23rd- Free passes to the
wish you were here advance screening at the Palace. Took f and afterward had a lovely dinner at a american style diner the Soda Rock. The film was good, an Australian Independent that had truly touching performances from the actors and really drew you into the narrative. Had no idea what was going to happen so really enjoyed it even though on a broad scale - also not a feel good movie.
April 24th- Free passes to
Irvine Welsh's Ectasy screening at the Nova. Took w and had tea on Lygon street and ate Maltesers during the film. Not as good as
Trainspotting but also not the same budget allowances. Enjoyable film, some really great scenes as far as cinematography and overall engaging story. Also came across my new favourite joke in the ladies' on the stall door:
"Hisenberg is driving Schrodinger to the pet store when the police pull them over..."
frankly, it's right up there with neutered watermelons for me. I know, bizarre sense of humour but some people love me for it and when all hope seems lost I can get a smile out of myself.
April 25th - ANZAC day. Ashamed to admit but between my mood and the downpour going on outside I didn't bother with the dawn service or the parade. Went out to Preston and saw my mate's new digs and she showed me a shed thats open for my artsy needs - which I fully intend to take up she and her roommates offer of it's use. the mrs. made a de-lish casserole/stew and f came round as well.
April 26th - bit of a date with the Mrs. (aka my roommate)
April 27th - Volunteered at the Brunswick Street Gallery on Brunswick Street. Helped install their print exhibition upstairs and later attended the very lovely opening. On my lunch break (Joe's Garage?) I passed the Gypsy Bar which while not open had flyers and such sitting out front, including the poster I designed for the upcoming 'Trentfest'. I was quite excited to see my artwork hanging around one of the hipper streets of Melbourne. Also met a mate for a few pints at the Provincial before the opening and then joined another mate at a work house party which was also quite enjoyable. Low point of that evening/ early the next morning was my mobile having an independent adventure from me that ended in a termination of service to that particular SIM/mobile. I now am an owner of some sort of samsung smart phone which I reckon is cleverer than I am. While off put by it I am enjoying it and feel compelled to name it..... but haven't chosen one yet.

April 29th - Due to lack of phone a hiccup in communications occurred and I accidentally stood somebody up. They are incredibly gracious and magnanimous though and as such I have been forgiven. (yay! felt real horrid about it as you know I would)
April 30th - Completed a web development job, can be seen
here: The Cybercologist and then had celebratory pizza & beer with a dash of archer w/ the mrs.
May 1st- Went to Montsalvat artist community in Eltham & the painting 'you talking to me?' arrived at it's buyer's office and met f for tea in Heidelberg.