that and patti smith is my hero. obvious.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
i'm gonna be good
I'll be frank, I'm not quite sure how much to expose about myself on this. since i feel no one reads this (well i may have one reader now) I feel pretty liberated.... but then lets be honest- this is a fairly open forum, so bear with me.
Well. I guess the most interesting thing is why I'll be completing the majority of my art history essay tomorrow morning, my next big painting idea.
I've been toying with an image that would be like a blown up leaflet for a host (as in a japanese host club) but visually would maybe be heavier on the neon pink and less the visual kei lettering and graphics. I wondered why that image had been with me lately and I realised late yesterday and today its a fairly complex interest. In short i enjoy the switch in gender roles, the parasitical nature of the industry (most of it's customers are in fact female hostesses/sex workers), my curiosity as to whether thats reciprocal and it's self awareness. Of course there is also the general of the Japanese sex industry (it's largest after automobiles) which of course has inspired other artists, even outside the otaku mind set, such as ....... lost the name. it's on a paper i wrote for asian studies, when i dig it up i'll post it. (i'm terrible with names). Anyways this is a very rough statement of intent....i guess in some ways I'm not ready to reveal the depth of the idea/project until i begin..... or until i have art to support the concepts I'm exploring in them. I guess what I'm trying to say this is all great and good but useless unless the art itself is stunning, it would just be an over stated exegesis.
I don't know how deep into that 'work' I will get into this week. I wouldn't have the weekend to go wild with it and time is tight this week due to me being out of town this coming weekend. however i will be exploring this image i've had for a while and I plan to try different themes within the same imagery. Kind of excited about it and wouldn't be surprised if a larger piece grew out of it.
Of course I mustn't ignore my class project, the urban landscape. Also I think I'll be starting up a commission for a past professor this semester if I can nail down the details soon.
I'm very excited about both whats going on and the potential, even for SMAD....but then it is videography so why wouldn't I be?! anyways I will do my best and I promise to post again tomorrow!
commission art,
host club,
japanese sex industry,
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
new beginnings

I'm feeling much healthier and productive lately, even if I'm burning the candle at both ends a bit.
All of my classes this semester are really interesting and related to my majors. After all the summer work I decided it was fair to have a semester of all 'career' classes. Versus saying taking that science with a lab I've yet to take.
I've gotten an internship at my university's gallery which I'm quite excited about. Both what I'm going to learn from it and what opportunities it's going to give me.
I've gotten a commission to paint a portrait of my professor from last semester.
And I'm getting a lot of great encouragement from my professors, past professors, family and friends right now; which I really appreciate. For me this last stretch of university (undergrad whom knows yet if I'll pursue a masters) is when I'm going to 'grow up' and really get ahold of my life and take charge. From little things like learning some new recipes back to front all the way to understanding and paying my taxes this year every step I make this year is toward becoming the adult I want to be. I guess it's fairly existential, I'm taking the conscious steps this year to become the person I want to be for the rest of my life. Or at least for the beginning of it.
Oh and I've also begun a new painting, an urban landscape, in my painting class. I'm approaching the assignment with a 'facade' composition which isn't something I've attempted before. not quite sure where I'm going with it at the moment but I was very excited at the ease in which I laid out the basics on the canvas. I was full of confidence and I'm going to hold onto that confidence no matter the setbacks I may (and probably will) face toward it's completion.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
That happened, not. Well it didnt happen because I was at the studio till 'round midnight so in truth the semester has begun again in earnest. I'm in strife a bit because I feel liek I have so much on my plate it seems and it's only midway through the 2nd week. Is it because of all the other events in my personal life I'm trying to balance with the academic in september? Is it because I've set so many personal goals for this semester? Is it because the 3 big things I'm involved in are massively time consuming, slightly opposed to each other and on top of that I'm working out and cooking 3 meals a day? and cleaning? how does everybody else make it look so easy? Could I do part time work on top of this? I reckon I'm soft.
well, squaring shoulders and hardening the..........up.
Monday, September 6, 2010
yes i've been very naughty and havent updated in ages, but i promise to this evening. until then : true love as art
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